I'm sitting here. The beach. Nt my favorite place in the world,but still a place that never ceases to leave me in awe if I take the time to stop and let Him speak to me. As I sit here I cansee storm clouds all around, threatening the minute humans that run to and fro along the white sandy carpet. The sun is pearing through a cloud creating a glamorous showcase of silver and yellow light on the ocean top. The constant roar of the ocean drowns out the voices of the people around me. Noisy silence. In the distance a rain wall is dancing across the horizon with a promise to fully invade anything it will come across. A lot like God. I think often that I have no grasp whatsoever of this God that calls the rain down from heaven, and commands the lightning to hit it's mark. Who tells the ocean thats far enough, or the moon to wait until the sun has done it's job. Who with the touch of His finger draws a hurricane into being from the vast calm ocean. Who announces His prescrnce with the voice of thunder and received praise from every living creature.
Who is this God?
Who am I?
It never grows old to remember that this God is the God who knows my name. Who decided it was a good thing for me to exist on earth for a breif moment in time. And who made that time right now. This God who knows how many grains of sand there are in the world has eve more thoughts about me. This God has grace that drowns us whether we are aware and receptive or not. We bend beneath the weight of His mercy until we are where we need to be more often, our knees. This is the God who is jealous for me, passionately and deeply in love with me, who has wonderful plans for me. Plans to prosper. Plans to suffer. Plans for me to carry my cross and the gift of bearing the name of my sweet Savior.
This is my God. My best friend. My Keeper, Deliverer, Saving Grace and Solid Rock.
There's something about realizing just how small you are and how big He is. One of the best feelings in the world. That my friends is true satisfaction.
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