Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hello Atlanta

Change. It is here. In full force. My sister wrote a blog yesterday and it made me realize I haven't written a blog in a while... and a lot has happened.

I am now a resident of Atlanta! Man that's weird to think about. Moving to Atlanta is something I wanted to do for a while now and finally I am here. I feel the Lord is going to do great things. I can't say that I had absolute clear direction to come here. I prayed, surrendered, and followed a desire. I have no idea what God is going to do. I may have made a huge mistake and end up back in Birmingham before anyone knows I am missing. But I would never know if I didn't try. So here I am! Trying! I am waiting to hear back from a few retail jobs. I am so thankful to have a good group of friends here... I don't do well by myself :) I do miss home. A lot. I miss my family the most. And my friends too of course :) It's a little scary to have the future be uncertain... but, in all reality, even when we think it is certain... it really isn't. For we don't know what tomorrow will bring... even if we think we do.

So yeah thats my big change as of right now. I'll make sure and update as life unfolds here.

Now for a few random thoughts:

Friends Gag Reels are the best. Period.

Chris Tomlin's Christmas Album came out this week. You should buy it.

I am so tired of painting... I've been "painting" my room for 2 weeks nows. I. give. up.

I bought a t.v. I haven't owned a tv in like 5 years.

I think I might starts wearing brown again. Might is the key word here.

I really want a Great Dane. Really bad. It's name would be Jake. Or Oliver.

I really like the name Audrey.

That's all folks.


Ann Marie said...

BROWN??? that would be like ME wearing brown agaiN! ha!

and i miss you terribly..just in case you didnt know!

Katie Green said...

I'm glad to see I can read updates about your life, now that you are living it a little farther away. I am so proud of you and know this is scary and you may have days you want to run back to what is "familiar" but keep your chin up, and look to the Lord for strength! I love you!!