Sunday, December 27, 2009

Changes Changes Changes

To be completely honest... I totally forgot that I had a blog. I remembered today and since my posts have been few and very far between I am highly doubtful that anyone reads my stuff anymore. BUT just incase there is someone out there who wants to know what is going on in the life of me I will give a quick update:

I moved to Atlanta back in October. I live with my friend Samantha in her house in Alpharetta. I just really felt God call me to this city and I still to this day have no idea why. I spent most of the months of October and November looking for a job. Applied several places and never heard back. This made me question my decision to move... because I was highly qualified for all of the jobs that I applied for. There was no reason that I was not getting hired. So my sweet friend Abby told me to apply at the Gap in Birmingham at which she is the manager. I was a little hesitant at first because I felt like I was giving up too fast, but I also new that money was going to run out soon and I needed to do something besides sit at Starbucks everyday. So I decided to come back to Birmingham from Thanksgiving until Christmas and really use that time to pray and seek what the Lord would have me do about Atlanta. So I started working at Gap and began praying. I knew that a certain sign from God would be a job. I prayed that He would let me know where He wanted me by either providing a job in Atlanta... which meant I could stay there... or not... which meant I would come back to Birmingham. So I prayed and prayed and nothing happened... and I was fully prepared to go back to Atlanta, pack up my stuff, and say goodbye to a city I was just getting to know. But then one day I decided to look on craigslist to see if any new job postings had come up. There was an add for a home manager. I had no idea what that meant so I clicked on it and long story short it sounded awesome, I emailed the family, they felt like I was just what they had been praying for and offered me a job. The small details that unfolded in the midst of all of that is really how I knew it was from God, but just the fact that I had a job waiting for me in Atlanta when I get back was confirmation enough for me. I knew once again that God had opened a door.

I am not one to test God... and I usually stray away from asking God for a sign, but I had no choice this time. I knew that if God didn't give me a clear opportunity to stay then I was going to have to start all over, back in Birmingham. He did open a door though. I don't know why I so often feel like He is not in complete control. I have such a short memory.

So... I am volunteering for Passion 2010 and after that I will meet this sweet family and begin working for them in January. They have 5 kids and I can't wait to see how God is going to use me in their lives and them in mine.

I am still not totally sure why I am in Atlanta, but for now I am going to stop trying to figure out the mind and ways of God and just take it one day at a time...walking in the way He has laid out for me now. I too often get so caught up in looking to the future that i forget to embrace right now. That is definitely something I want to work on in 2010.

So there you have it. The brief update on my life... if you made it this far thanks so much for caring enough to read all of that.

Trust Him. He has it all figured out.

1 Thessalonians 5:24 (The Message)

23-24May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he'll do it!

1 comment:

kczapoet said...

I'm so excited for you, Rach! God has wonderful and exciting things in store for you. Praying He gives you courage to move boldly forward. He has ordained all of our steps and each one for a distinct purpose. Praying you continue to walk closely beside Him.