So once again... I am sitting in Archaeology of Palestine...aka... I have nothing to do... so I decided to start reading some of my old blogs... and I determined that even though there are probably all of 3.5 of you out there who read my blog, I will be glad I wrote down a lot of my thoughts when I want to look back 10 or even 20 years down the road.
SO here is my blog form 1 year ago today.
Feb. 27, 2008
So last night some pretty hardcore storms came through Birmingham. I woke up once when the power went out because I sleep with a fan and when the fan stops up I go. I looked outside and remember thinking man it is raining soooo hard... and then it came. I'm pretty sure the bolt hit my apartment building. My bed shook and there was no time at all between the bright blue flash and the splitting of the air by the heat of that ferocious lightning strike. I don't think it stopped lightning for about 20 minutes after that. Continuos flash flash flash of bright blue and green light followed by peels and and occasional pop of thunder. As I lay there all I could think of was the passage in Job where Elihu talks about the voice of God in the thunder. I fell back asleep listening to the voice of my Father telling me of His power and might. Now that is what I call an awesome bedtime story. Turns out there was tornadoes all around me and most of my friends were in their basements... thanks for the call guys... but all in all God was in control... and shouting it loud and proud.
"Listen closely to the thunder of His voice, and the rumbling that goes out from His mouth. Under the whole heavens He lets it loose, and His lightning to the ends of the earth. After it, a voice roars; He thunders with His majestic voice, and He does not restrain the lightnings when His voice is heard. God thunders with His voice wondrously, doing great things which we cannot comprehend."
and I just noticed the next part... and it fits so ironically because I just walked out on my porch and there is about 1/11116 inch of snow on my rails. Yesterday it was 75 degrees out and tonight.. snow
Elihu continues,
" For the snow he says, 'Fall on the Earth,' and to the downpour and the rain, 'Be Strong.'"
and in verse 13 sums it all up with,
" Whether for correction, or for His world, or for lovingkindness, He causes it to happen."
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
another random thing
okay so I know these chain things are getting a little out of hand, but since I sit in class from 8-5 two days a week, I got a little extra time on my hands. So why not. And since I am at work right now and don't have photoshop on my work computer.. I can't make it look all cool and fancy.
Band name- Manuel de Almeida Trindade
First Album- In which they are won
Album cover:

1 - Go to "Wikipedia." Hit "random article" in the sidebar.The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to "Random quotations" or click
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to Flickr and click on "explore the last seven days" or click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use Photoshop or similar to put it all together.
5 - Post it to FB with this text in the "caption" and TAG the friends you want to join in.
Band name- Manuel de Almeida Trindade
First Album- In which they are won
Album cover:

1 - Go to "Wikipedia." Hit "random article" in the sidebar.The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to "Random quotations" or click
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to Flickr and click on "explore the last seven days" or click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use Photoshop or similar to put it all together.
5 - Post it to FB with this text in the "caption" and TAG the friends you want to join in.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tea Tree
Okay ladies... I have made a wonderful discovery.
Tea Tree Mint Shampoo and COnditioner by Organix. I discovered it at CVS last night and this morning, when I used it, I felt like I was at a spa. It has this awesome blend of hydrating oils and refreshing mint. The smell really wakes you up so if you are a morning showerer then this is a major plus. The tea tree oil is especially good for your hair because it helps get rid of that unnecessary build up while hydrating with vitamins and oils that your hair needs.
So head to your local CVS or Target and grab a bottle. You won't regret it!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Oldie but greatie (goodie but better)
So the last couple of weeks (and the next few to come) have been what some may call less than ideal, but like Sara Groves so wonderfully put it, in His hands the pain and hurt look less like scars and more like character.
But this song came on my iTunes shuffle mix this morning and I just thought how appropriate. God is above all that i know and no matter what the world throws at me... its going to be okay because my God saved the day and His word never fails.
So enjoy this oldie but greatie...
Salvation is Here- Hillsong United
God above all the world in motion
God above all my hopes and fears
I don't care what the world throws at me now
It's gonna be alright
Hear the sound of the generations
Making loud our freedom song
All in all that the world would know Your name
It's gonna be alright
'Cause I know my God saved the day
And I know His word never fails
And I know my God made a way for me
Salvation is here
God above all the world in motion
God above all my hopes and fears
I don't care what the world throws at me now
It's gonna be alright
'Cause I know my God saved the day
And I know His word never fails
And I know my God made a way for me
Salvation is here
'Cause I know my God saved the day
And I know His word never fails
And I know my God made a way for me
Salvation is here
Salvation is here
Salvation is here and He lives in me
Salvation is here
Salvation that died just to set me free
Salvation is here
Salvation is here and He lives in me
Salvation is here
Cause You are alive and You live in me
Salvation is here
salvation is here and it lives in me
Salvation is here
Savation is here that died just to set me free
Salvation is here
Salvation is here and it lives in me
Cause You are alive and You live in me
Salvation is here
salvation is here and it lives in me
Salvation is here
Savation is here that died just to set me free
Salvation is here
Salvation is here and it lives in me
'Cause I know my God saved the day
And I know His word never fails
And I know my God made a way for me
Salvation is here
'Cause I know my God saved the day
And I know His word never fails
And I know my God made a way for me
Salvation is here
But this song came on my iTunes shuffle mix this morning and I just thought how appropriate. God is above all that i know and no matter what the world throws at me... its going to be okay because my God saved the day and His word never fails.
So enjoy this oldie but greatie...
Salvation is Here- Hillsong United
God above all the world in motion
God above all my hopes and fears
I don't care what the world throws at me now
It's gonna be alright
Hear the sound of the generations
Making loud our freedom song
All in all that the world would know Your name
It's gonna be alright
'Cause I know my God saved the day
And I know His word never fails
And I know my God made a way for me
Salvation is here
God above all the world in motion
God above all my hopes and fears
I don't care what the world throws at me now
It's gonna be alright
'Cause I know my God saved the day
And I know His word never fails
And I know my God made a way for me
Salvation is here
'Cause I know my God saved the day
And I know His word never fails
And I know my God made a way for me
Salvation is here
Salvation is here
Salvation is here and He lives in me
Salvation is here
Salvation that died just to set me free
Salvation is here
Salvation is here and He lives in me
Salvation is here
Cause You are alive and You live in me
Salvation is here
salvation is here and it lives in me
Salvation is here
Savation is here that died just to set me free
Salvation is here
Salvation is here and it lives in me
Cause You are alive and You live in me
Salvation is here
salvation is here and it lives in me
Salvation is here
Savation is here that died just to set me free
Salvation is here
Salvation is here and it lives in me
'Cause I know my God saved the day
And I know His word never fails
And I know my God made a way for me
Salvation is here
'Cause I know my God saved the day
And I know His word never fails
And I know my God made a way for me
Salvation is here
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Well I did it...times 2
number 1:

The New Do...6 inches...gone... I don't hate it
number 2:

I volunteered at the Passion City Church launch this past Sunday in Atlanta. By far one of the coolest things I've been a part of. God was there and in a very powerful way. I cannot wait to see what the future holds.
Check them out here at PASSIONCITYCHURCH.COM
ALSO....check out this awesome site while you are at it:

The New Do...6 inches...gone... I don't hate it
number 2:

I volunteered at the Passion City Church launch this past Sunday in Atlanta. By far one of the coolest things I've been a part of. God was there and in a very powerful way. I cannot wait to see what the future holds.
Check them out here at PASSIONCITYCHURCH.COM
ALSO....check out this awesome site while you are at it:
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Great Debate
ok so I need opinions.... this time of year I always have the same great debate...and those of you who know me well are laughing right now because every time I said, "this year I won't do it" you always said, in wisdom, "whatever Rachel."
So my hair. Praise the Lord for it, but it drives me crazy. I am convinced that I may have the most difficult hair of anyone on this planet earth. I love it long, I do, but it is just a pain and I end up wearing it in a wet blob on the back of my head. The humidity hates me and I hate the humidity. It makes for a hair mess.
So here it is... keep it growing and see how long I can stand it. i know that when it gets about 8 inches longer I will probably like it, but that will take like a my other option is:
but I have made the mistake before of getting it cut semi-short and then it is just as much of a pain as before...only now I can't pull it up in a pony tail... so I am going to need a cut that takes about 10 minutes to dry and straighten- and oh did I mention how thick my hair is... yeah there are no words to describe how thick it is... so thinning will be in order as well.
SO I am in the great debate.
Cut... no cut..hmm
what do you think? Here is what I am thinking...
So my hair. Praise the Lord for it, but it drives me crazy. I am convinced that I may have the most difficult hair of anyone on this planet earth. I love it long, I do, but it is just a pain and I end up wearing it in a wet blob on the back of my head. The humidity hates me and I hate the humidity. It makes for a hair mess.
So here it is... keep it growing and see how long I can stand it. i know that when it gets about 8 inches longer I will probably like it, but that will take like a my other option is:
but I have made the mistake before of getting it cut semi-short and then it is just as much of a pain as before...only now I can't pull it up in a pony tail... so I am going to need a cut that takes about 10 minutes to dry and straighten- and oh did I mention how thick my hair is... yeah there are no words to describe how thick it is... so thinning will be in order as well.
SO I am in the great debate.
Cut... no cut..hmm
what do you think? Here is what I am thinking...

ok ok...another 25 things thing....sorta
Place an X by all the things you've done and remove the X from the ones you have not, then post it on your blog!
( ) Gone on a blind date
(X ) Skipped school
( X) Watched someone die
( ) Been to Canada
( X) Been to Mexico
(X) Been to Florida
( ) Been to Hawaii
(X) Been on a plane
() Been on a helicopter
(X) Been lost
(X ) Gone to Washington, DC
(X) Swam in the ocean
(x) Cried yourself to sleep-
() Played cops and robbers
(X) Recently colored with crayons
(X ) Sang Karaoke
( X) Paid for a meal with coins only
( ) Been to the top of the St. Louis Arch
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't.
(x) Made prank phone calls
(x) Been down Bourbon Street in New Orleans
(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(X ) Watched the sunrise with someone
(X) Blown bubbles
(X ) Gone ice-skating
(X) Gone to the movies
( ) Been deep sea fishing
(X) Driven across the United States
() Been in a hot air balloon
( ) Been sky diving
( ) Gone snowmobiling
( ) Lived in more than one country
(X) Laid down outside at night and admired the stars while listening to the crickets
(X ) Seen a falling star and made a wish
( ) Enjoyed the beauty of Old Faithful Geyser
( X) Seen the Statue of Liberty
( ) Gone to the top of Seattle Space Needle
(X ) Been on a cruise
( X) Traveled by train
( X) Traveled by motorcycle
(X ) Been horse back riding
( ) Ridden on a San Francisco CABLE CAR
(x ) Been to Disneyland --- and Disney World
(X ) Truly believe in the power of prayer
(X ) Been in a rain forest
(X ) Seen dolphins in the ocean
( ) Been to Niagara Falls
( ) Ridden on an elephant
( ) Swam with dolphins
( ) Been to the Olympics
( ) Walked on the Great Wall of China
( ) Saw and heard a glacier calf
( ) Been spinnaker flying
( X) Been water-skiing
(X ) Been snow-skiing or snowboarding
( ) Been to Westminster Abbey
( ) Been to the Louvre
(X ) Swam in the Mediterranean
( ) Been to a Major League Baseball game
( ) Been to a National Football League game
( ) Gone on a blind date
(X ) Skipped school
( X) Watched someone die
( ) Been to Canada
( X) Been to Mexico
(X) Been to Florida
( ) Been to Hawaii
(X) Been on a plane
() Been on a helicopter
(X) Been lost
(X ) Gone to Washington, DC
(X) Swam in the ocean
(x) Cried yourself to sleep-
() Played cops and robbers
(X) Recently colored with crayons
(X ) Sang Karaoke
( X) Paid for a meal with coins only
( ) Been to the top of the St. Louis Arch
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't.
(x) Made prank phone calls
(x) Been down Bourbon Street in New Orleans
(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(X ) Watched the sunrise with someone
(X) Blown bubbles
(X ) Gone ice-skating
(X) Gone to the movies
( ) Been deep sea fishing
(X) Driven across the United States
() Been in a hot air balloon
( ) Been sky diving
( ) Gone snowmobiling
( ) Lived in more than one country
(X) Laid down outside at night and admired the stars while listening to the crickets
(X ) Seen a falling star and made a wish
( ) Enjoyed the beauty of Old Faithful Geyser
( X) Seen the Statue of Liberty
( ) Gone to the top of Seattle Space Needle
(X ) Been on a cruise
( X) Traveled by train
( X) Traveled by motorcycle
(X ) Been horse back riding
( ) Ridden on a San Francisco CABLE CAR
(x ) Been to Disneyland --- and Disney World
(X ) Truly believe in the power of prayer
(X ) Been in a rain forest
(X ) Seen dolphins in the ocean
( ) Been to Niagara Falls
( ) Ridden on an elephant
( ) Swam with dolphins
( ) Been to the Olympics
( ) Walked on the Great Wall of China
( ) Saw and heard a glacier calf
( ) Been spinnaker flying
( X) Been water-skiing
(X ) Been snow-skiing or snowboarding
( ) Been to Westminster Abbey
( ) Been to the Louvre
(X ) Swam in the Mediterranean
( ) Been to a Major League Baseball game
( ) Been to a National Football League game
Just FYI
World Poverty Statistics
- Half the world (nearly 3 billion people) live on less than 2 dollars a day
- The poorest 40% of the world's population accounts for 5% of global income; the richest 20% account for 75% of the worlds income
- more than 80% of the worlds population live in countries where the income differentials are widening
- For the 1.9 billion children living in the developing world:
+640 mil lack adequate shelter (1 in 3)
+400 million lack access to safe water (1 in 5)
+270 million lack the option for health care (1 in 4)
US poverty
- 35 million people living in poverty
-49% African American
- 40% of Homeless men had served in the armed services
- 16% suffer from severe and persistent mental illness
- at least 30% substance abuse
- Half the world (nearly 3 billion people) live on less than 2 dollars a day
- The poorest 40% of the world's population accounts for 5% of global income; the richest 20% account for 75% of the worlds income
- more than 80% of the worlds population live in countries where the income differentials are widening
- For the 1.9 billion children living in the developing world:
+640 mil lack adequate shelter (1 in 3)
+400 million lack access to safe water (1 in 5)
+270 million lack the option for health care (1 in 4)
US poverty
- 35 million people living in poverty
-49% African American
- 40% of Homeless men had served in the armed services
- 16% suffer from severe and persistent mental illness
- at least 30% substance abuse
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
An anthem
8 classes (24 hours) of school...God is in control
20 hours of work a week...God is in control
putting a house on the market...God is in control
still a photographer...God is in control
dealing with social workers and such for my grandmother...God is in control
passioncitychurch...God is in control
finding my mom a place to live...God is in control
time to breathe?...God is in control
20 hours of work a week...God is in control
putting a house on the market...God is in control
still a photographer...God is in control
dealing with social workers and such for my grandmother...God is in control
passioncitychurch...God is in control
finding my mom a place to live...God is in control
time to breathe?...God is in control
Friday, February 6, 2009
Life in 10
1) 60 66 68 68 67 70 64... those are the highs for the next 7 days... Hallelujah
2) I am volunteering at the Passion City Church launch in ATL in a week and so very excited...check it out... passioncitychurch
3) I graduate in 89 days. PTL
4) UAB is wanting to buy/use some of my photos I have been taking for a to figure out licensing...but exciting news
5) I decided not to paint my it will stay to buy curtains...hang pictures and order prints
6) I talked with sweet girl at UAB today who has decided to major in ATHRO because she wants to do missions and wants to have lunch next week...what a good opportunity
7) The Lord is teaching me patience...especially lately...but has also shown me that a desire for change doen not always signify dissatisfaction
8) My nose ring decided to take a trip down the sink at 11pm last my exhaustion...I made an emergency trip to Walmart for a new one...had a good talk with God on the way so it was totally worth it.
9) I miss my dear friends Josh and Amanda so so much and cannot wait to see them next month....maybe even twice
10) I found my favorite scarf...and have worn it everday this week.
2) I am volunteering at the Passion City Church launch in ATL in a week and so very excited...check it out... passioncitychurch
3) I graduate in 89 days. PTL
4) UAB is wanting to buy/use some of my photos I have been taking for a to figure out licensing...but exciting news
5) I decided not to paint my it will stay to buy curtains...hang pictures and order prints
6) I talked with sweet girl at UAB today who has decided to major in ATHRO because she wants to do missions and wants to have lunch next week...what a good opportunity
7) The Lord is teaching me patience...especially lately...but has also shown me that a desire for change doen not always signify dissatisfaction
8) My nose ring decided to take a trip down the sink at 11pm last my exhaustion...I made an emergency trip to Walmart for a new one...had a good talk with God on the way so it was totally worth it.
9) I miss my dear friends Josh and Amanda so so much and cannot wait to see them next month....maybe even twice
10) I found my favorite scarf...and have worn it everday this week.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
One Word
1. Where is your cell phone? table
2. Your significant other? God
3. Your hair? crazy
4. Your mother? Denise
5. Your father? Robert
6. Your favorite thing? Bible
7. Your dream last night? lost
8. Your favorite drink? Chai
9. Your dream/goal? mystery
10. What room you are in? 125
11. Your hobby? photography
12. Your fear? bats
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? anywhere
14. Where were you last night? Jones
16. Muffins? Strawberry
17. Wish list item? 5D MKII
18. Where you grew up? Birmingham
19. Last thing you did? coffee
20. What are you wearing? converse
21. Your TV? gone
22. Your pets? non-existent
23. Friends? wonderful
24. Your life? His
25. Your mood? encouraged
26. Missing some one? manda
27. Car? Altima
28. Something you're not wearing? hat
29. Your favorite store? Gap
30. Your favorite color? red
31. When is the last time you laughed? today
32. Last time you cried? Sunday
33. Food aversion? mushrooms
34. One place that I go to over and over? Starbucks
35. One person who emails me regularly? Heather
36. My favorite place to eat? Jackson's
37. What are you doing tomorrow? classing
2. Your significant other? God
3. Your hair? crazy
4. Your mother? Denise
5. Your father? Robert
6. Your favorite thing? Bible
7. Your dream last night? lost
8. Your favorite drink? Chai
9. Your dream/goal? mystery
10. What room you are in? 125
11. Your hobby? photography
12. Your fear? bats
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? anywhere
14. Where were you last night? Jones
16. Muffins? Strawberry
17. Wish list item? 5D MKII
18. Where you grew up? Birmingham
19. Last thing you did? coffee
20. What are you wearing? converse
21. Your TV? gone
22. Your pets? non-existent
23. Friends? wonderful
24. Your life? His
25. Your mood? encouraged
26. Missing some one? manda
27. Car? Altima
28. Something you're not wearing? hat
29. Your favorite store? Gap
30. Your favorite color? red
31. When is the last time you laughed? today
32. Last time you cried? Sunday
33. Food aversion? mushrooms
34. One place that I go to over and over? Starbucks
35. One person who emails me regularly? Heather
36. My favorite place to eat? Jackson's
37. What are you doing tomorrow? classing
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
How do we get so busy doing the work of the Lord that we forget to spend time with the Lord of the work.
Thanks Israel Houghton.
Thanks Israel Houghton.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
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