Monday, April 20, 2009

Beth Moore is Wicked

Okay well now that you think I am about to go on a rampage about Beth Moore just hear me out.

I'm at work this morning, doing contributions and listening to the Passin podcast and Louie mentioned that Beth Moore is coming to Passion 2010 and it sparked a memory in my head of a dream I had last night.

It is brief but I laughed when I though about it and decided to blog about it... since my blogs are so few and far between these days.

But last night I had a dream that Elphaba from Wicked (which I saw from the 2nd row on Saturday by the way... aaaamazing) was in fact Beth Moore... and to top it all off she was at the Chick-Fil-A in Hoover signing autographs and giving out free chicken nuggets.



Ann Marie said...

HA! thats really funny!!

Rachel said...

That's great!! Dreams are so awesome.

Peyton said...

i love it.