#1- Colors.
All of my favorite colors are fall colors. Red. Orange. Yellow. Brown. I love it!
I'm headed up to Boston next week and I am hoping there will still be some of this:

#2.- Scarves.
My signature.

#3- Pumpkin Spice Lattes.
I am definitely a Chai girl, but I cannot resist a good Pumpkin Spice Latte.

#4- Friday Night Lights.
I do love the show, but I am talking about the real game here. I love football. High School (Go Eagles), College (Roll Tide) and NFL (Go Pats!).

#5- Fires.
I am a sucker for fires. Whether it's a bonfire, campfire or fire in the fireplace. Give me a book, hoodie and cup of coffee and I am set.

#6- Cardigans and Coats
My second favorite clothing items. I bought these two at Anthropologie for the season.

#7- Thanksgiving.
Tied with Christmas on my favorite holiday list. I love all of the baking, cooking, and fellowship that comes with this holiday.

#8.- Grey, Cold Days.
I know.. call me strange, but I love grey skies and cold winds.

#9. Fog.
I love waking up to a foggy morning. And it happens often at my house on the mountain.

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