Friday, March 28, 2008

think about it

No man can bear witness to Christ and to himself at the same time. No man can give the impression that he himself is clever and that Christ is mighty to save
     -James Denney

I"m in need

... of some serious patience.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


... with this weather.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Heavy hearted yet filled hope. He is risen

So today is Easter.  I'm guessing all of you knew that and didn't need me to enlighten you but I didn't really know how else to introduce my blog for the day. Happy Easter. How about that. Anyways moving on. My heart is heavy. I'm sure a lot of you have heard about the accident on 459 on Friday involving the 4 Birmingham teens. If not click here for more details but just a general recap: 4 teens, convertible, going to Tannehill State Park to ride horses on friday, something (probably a hat) blew out of the car as they were driving down 459 and they pulled over to the right shoulder and preceded to reverse to get it, when they did they fishtailed, lost control and went back onto the interstate where there car was hit and crushed by a Fed-ex twin trailer semi, killing all four instantly. The impact was so forceful that the driver was knocked out of his cowboys boots, which remained in the floorboard of the drivers side. Tragic just doesn't seem to do justice to an event like this. These poor families, one of which lost both their teenage daughters in the crash. Going through Easter without their precious children. But I guess if you are a believer Easter is as good of time as ever to experience such a loss, because it is the day we celebrate the only true hope we have, a Risen Christ. I do wish Easter was called something along the lines of Hope day. Hope. Hope in life, Hope in death even. Christ rose from the dead triumphing over all other powers ( praise you Savior) and giving us a hope for eternal life. No risen King? Death is final, but praise our mighty God that, especially for these 4 families, there is a Risen King, still a man, sitting at the right hand of the Almighty God on heaven, in which we can build our life upon. Yes what they did was stupid, I mean really why in the world would you back up on the interstate? It is beyond me, but all I know is Praise God He doesn't give me what I deserve every time I do something stupid. This whole thing was a good reminder for me that even my very next breath is dependent upon the will of God. I know if those poor kids knew that the hat was about to cost them their lives they would not have even thought about going back. But like I said Praise be to God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ that He does not let us get crushed by the powers of this world every time we try to reverse from His will and go back for what seems important to us.  But he has triumphed, He is risen, He is risen indeed! Remember these 3 families in your prayers this week.  For God is Sovereign and Lord willing, those teens are with their maker tonight. 
Have a blessed week. 
Think. Go. Live. Be

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Saturday

“When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us ALL our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; He took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” Colossians 3:13-15

Enough said.
Be Blessed

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Overwhelmed... or not

So I just got off from work and now I'm sitting here, blogging obviously, and thinking about how much stuff that I have to do.. the worst overwhelming stressed feeling came over me. So like any other person (note the sarcasm) I decided to change my facebook status to read "overwhelmed". Suddenly this conviction from the Spirit swept over me. Now for some strange reason I have begun to find comfort in that, strange I know, you shuoldn't feel good from conviction, but to me, especially these past few weeks it has been a reminder and almost a whisper from God that he cares enough about me to not let me continue in my sinful ways. Now don't get me wrong, still full of sin here, but He is working therefore I am comforted. Anyways back to this conviction. I realized that tomorrow was Good Friday. This is the day when we "celebrate" Jesus' death for us. And I began to think, I must truly not have any clue what the word overwhelmed means. Consider this: this night (giver or take depending on when you think Jesus what crucified) was the night that Jesus was calling out to His Father in the garden. Like a lamb led to the slaughter Jesus asked for the cup to be removed, but ABOVE ALL begged that the Fathers will be done no matter what the cost. Now imagine ( impossible I know) tomorrow you are about to be hung on a cross, stripped, mocked, spit on, and above all torn away from fellowship with the God who you have spent eternity next too, all for a people who are shouting all the while, crucify. Now that is what I consider overwhelmed.  So thanks be to God for the reminder that it is not all about me and my research papers will get done, but most of all thanks be to God for a Savior who came to this earth for the soul purpose of dying for me. I am humbled. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Let Judas Shake You

Judas left the fellowship of the twelve apostles after the anointing in Bethany and arranged to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14-15). But when they met again at the last supper, there he was! Near enough to dip in the Savior’s cup.

When our family read this for devotions last night I was angry at the absolute wickedness of Judas coming back to eat Passover with the one he had just sold. I said to my daughter, evidently with more emotion than she was used to, “That is utterly wicked!”

She said, “What is so wicked?” I said: “What if I went out tonight and arranged for a cruel man to kill you on the way to school tomorrow morning? That would be horrible. But then would it not be wicked to high heaven if I came home, after arranging for your murder, and had devotions with you and prayed with you?”

She was shaken.

Small wonder that Jesus said, “It would have been better for that man if he had not been born” (Matthew 26:24).

Let us be shaken this week, again and again.

            By John Piper at

Monday, March 17, 2008

Oh the Buzz

So today I remembered my least favorite thing about Spring(other than the Pollen)....

Saturday, March 15, 2008


"I've been counting up all my wrongs one sorry for each star and I'd apologize my way to You
if the heavens stretched that far cause
You are the One I want. 
I won't find what I am looking for if I only see by keeping score 
cause now I know You're so much more than arithmetic 
cause if I add if I subtract if I give it all try and take some back 
I've forgotten the freedom that comes from the fact 
that You are the Son so You are the One I want

When the years are showing on my face
and my strongest days are gone
when my heart and flesh depart this place
from a life that song your song
You'll still be the One I want
You'll still be the One I want"

Friday, March 14, 2008

What is my reward?

So Gretchen and I were talking this morning about materials and just stuff. And I was thinking about something that Jeremiah Burroughs said in his book that I am reading. The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment. He was talking about what our reward is. If we as Christians truly do see being in heaven in the presence of God with nothing but ourselves and God as our reward, then why do we not live more like that on this earth. I fall way guilty of this most of the time. I do see Christ as my true reward so why do I put things in my life, stuff and material possessions, that I will not have in heaven. Point being: If my ultimate goal is heaven, me and God, nothing else, why don't I love more like it here on earth. So going back to one of my first blogs about the new year, I am glad God has called me to change some things in my life and focus more on simplicity. 
A verse I have been pondering and will comment on more later is this:
"Likewise I want women to dress modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness."
           - 1 Timothy 2:9-10

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A gift

So last night God gave me a gift that I so desperately needed. Tears. Yes, tears. Tears about my salvation and about the fact that God chose me. I've missed that freshness in my relationship with God. God has felt so distant from me these past couple of weeks and I feel like I have tried and tried to find my way back to Him, but last night He brought me close to Him and just reminded me of who I was and who He is. I am sooooo thankful. I feel restored. I have been asking for God to show me just how bad sin is and consequently just how good He is. I got a glimpse last night. I love how the best gifts are not tangible. 

Saturday, March 8, 2008


This verse has meant so much to me since May...Right now I am desperate for it to be fresh. So so so desperate. 

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
           - Galatians 6:14

I've been living grey this week. 
Change is needed. 
I must work on the faith because the works are simply a product.
Rid me of myself I belong to you, Lead me to the cross. 

Flip Flops and Snow Boots

So here is Alabama for you: Yesterday I wore capris a short-sleeved shirt and flip flops. Tonight there is a heavy snow warning. Keep in mind that in Alabama a heavy snow warning constitutes around an inch. We will see I suppose.  I'm rooting for some snow. 

Thursday, March 6, 2008

What exactly is a relationship with God?

This is John Pipers answer to that question from

What does it mean to have a relationship with God?

O that all believers would make it a priority to grow in answering that question! That they would join those in church history who have gone deepest in their relationship with God! I'll mention John Owen as one example. He has written a book called Communion with God, which is another old-fashioned way of saying "relationship with God."

What a relationship with God means is that we are receiving communications from God about himself both through his word and through history. He comes to us in Jesus Christ, in his teaching, in his cross, in his apostles, through his word, and he is speaking to us. And his speaking is made vital to us by the present presence of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. That's half the relationship. He takes the initiative.

We receive his communications and, by the Spirit, are made alive to them. We see them coming—his communications of himself, his character, and his work on our behalf—and we are awakened to them. We are made to admire them, to delight in them, and to be happy, hopeful, and encouraged. Then we return to him—likewise through the word, by the Spirit, and through the name of Jesus Christ—prayers, acts of gratitude, resolutions to fight the fight of faith, and acts of obedience. The result is that our lives are going Godward while his life toward us is coming manward. That's the relationship.

A relationship with God happens most fundamentally by the Spirit through the word. Don't try to run away from the Bible to find a relationship with God in the woods or in some kind of aesthetic encounter with nature or with a great piece of art. Those are all supplementary. Yes, the heavens are telling the glory of God (Psalm 19:1). God does use great art and great poetry to awaken us. But if we don't center on the Bible where he is speaking authoritatively and infallibly, then our relationship will become distorted by error and sin.

So let the Bible be the place where God meets you and speaks to you, and let the Bible be the place where you speak back to him. The relationship is in this communion: him to us, and us to him.

And it happens all throughout the day. We remind ourselves when we get discouraged, "Don't be discouraged, Don't be dismayed, Fear not, I'll be with you wherever you go" (Isaiah 41:10). You remember those words and call them to mind, because they are from a promise in the Bible. Then you say, "Thank you Lord. I will take this next step of obedience." And at that moment a relationship has been enjoyed and a communion has been experienced. And that's how you walk moment by moment with God through this life.

© Desiring God

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Soundtrack to life

So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...
7. When you're finished tag some other people to do it!

Opening Credits: Our Great God- Mac Powell
Waking Up: Hosanna- Hillsong
First Day At School: Smooth- Santana and Rob Thomas
Falling In Love: Everybody wants you- Josh Kelley

Fight Song: China Roses- Enya ( looks like I'm doomed whoever I'm fighting)

Breaking Up: Want to - Sugarland
Prom: Revelation Song- Christ for the nations
Life: You are my strength - Hillsong
Mental Breakdown: No one like you- DCB
Driving: Awesome is the Lord Most High- Chris Tomlin
Flashback: Amazing- Josh Kelley
Getting back together: tied down - Colbie Caillat
Wedding:What Child is this- Manaheim Steamroller (Looks like a Christmas Wedding)
Birth of Child: Yasmin The Light- Explosions in the sky
Final Battle:All my love- Charlie Hall
Death Scene: All over the World- Matt Redman

Funeral Song:Unto You- Shane Bernard

End Credits: The Point of no return - Andrew Lloyd Weber 

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


So most of you have probably heard about Laminin by now, but just incase you haven't I feel obligated to tell you about probably the coolest revolution ( other than salvation of course) that I have ever experienced. So we all know that our bodies are made up of tons of cells and proteins that hold them together. Well Laminin is a cell adhesion molecule. It holds everything in the human body together. It holds your membranes together. I'm talking like the steel in the concrete on the interstate hold together. And just because our God is God and beyond perfect in all of his ways this is what Laminin looks like (note above picture). I mean how in the world can you see that and not believe in God and Jesus Christ. 
The cross is once again a perfect example that God may not change the circumstances; He did not change them for Jesus on the cross, but the cross is also proof that God has a purpose in the circumstances and his plan will always triumph. 
If you have ever felt (like I have felt the past 2 days) like God is a million miles away just remember, the very thing that holds us together is in the shape of a cross. 
" He is before all things and in Him all things hold together." - Colossians 1:17
Literally in Him all things hold together, Laminin is small proof that in more than one way Jesus Christ and the cross holds us together. I'm speechless. What an awesome reminder that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Monday, March 3, 2008

96 years

My good friend Louie told me something fascinating tonight. Did you know that there are over 3 billion DNA character descriptions  in one cell of who we are. This DNA would be 6 feet long. If you were to read your characters 1 per second 24 hours a day 7 days a week it would 96 years to read it all. I'm sorry but there is no one but our El-Shaddai, our Almighty God that can do that. Random fact for the day. Pretty much humbling.