Wednesday, March 25, 2009

long time no blog

Sorry I have been rather MIA lately. Life has turned a bit upside down. Most of you know I've been in the process of putting my great aunt's house on the market. My mom and grandmother have been living there for the past several years since my great aunt died, but now they are moving into apartments and since I own the house I have been getting it ready to sell. It has been a job for sure since everyone who has lived in that house has been the most extreme pack rats of almost anyone I know. But now all of their stuff is out and in their apartments and all of the "junk" that is too heavy for me to carry to the trash pile is in one pile in the basement and the relator is taking care of that. But the awesome blessing was that the house sold in 10 days! We close in 6 days, next Tuesday! SO it will all be over soon! Oh... and yes I am still taking 24 hours of class this semester... I will be done in like 6 weeks! Lord willing I pass all of my classes...not only have I been MIA in the internet world but I"ve been a little MIA on the whole school scene as well. But as soon as I get my grandmother unpacked life will be a lot easier for me... I have some awesome friends and family who are helping me so I am slowly regaining my sanity! I appreciate all of your prayers... I would probably have run away by now without them :) The Lord has been so good to me and I cannot wait to see what He has in store for me in the near future. Some possibilities that I though would never become realities are slowly but surely becoming just that... I will talk more about that though when I know something concrete! Also I am getting a new camera as soon as the house money comes in... so new photos will be in the works soon! I haven't lost that passion or talent... I just have barely had time to sleep so it has had to go on the back burner for a while, but I am looking forward to firing it up again in a month or so!

That is all for now... I am in class so I should really pay attention...just wanted to give an update on life! Oh and check my last stuff!

Much love to you all! What an awesome God we serve...He is never overwhelmed!

1 comment:

Jaci Spain said...

Wow, you have had a lot going on! You are such a sweet and responsible daughter/grandaughter to take care of everyone the way you do:) Good luck with the closing and finishing it all up!