Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Day

So I had to write a blog on leap day. I mean come on I wont be able to do this for another 4 years. Man. So Abby and Ree Ree are now Aunts. Poor child. Not because she has Ree and Abby for Aunts... but becaause she was born on a leap day. I mean really how do you do birthdays for these poor children born on leap day. I mean you can have it on the 28th or the 1st but the whole time deep down you know it is not truly your birthday. Any ways I got to go see Sara Groves in concert tonight. She was awesome and I had never really heard her before. She sounds a lot like Sarah McGlaughin... I have no idea how to spell that but you know who I'm talking about. One of her lyrics stuck out to me... and let me pause and say that in the depth of my soul I am soooooo jealous that I can't write lyrics.... anyways this line she wrote stuck out to me. It is something that I have thought about often and actually Amanda blogged about it the other day. But it said, " you are the Son and I am the moon". She was referring to the fact that without the sun the moon would emit no light, because it is simply a reflection. Just like us, if we don't turn our face to the Son then we will simply fade away. God is teaching me so so so so so  much and I cannot wait to see His hand move through the rest of this semester and this summer. This is random but just know I love you all and I'd do anything for any of you. God Bless. 

1 comment:

Peyton said...

yeah i would hate to be born then. i thought about that. and those are cool lyrics. i wish i could write too. but blogging helps ya know? it makes you feel somewhat like a you rach