Sunday, May 18, 2008


Well I think I may have lost my purse... well actually I have determined it must be in my car.. I am hoping at least... point is that my journal is in it and I wrote down some stuff yesterday that I wanted to blog about.. oh well... I'll just talk a little bit about what I remember.

Well I know I am on a "how selfish I am" kick but God is just revealing more and more to me everyday. Like por ejemplo (thought I'd throw a little Spanish twist in here it means for example) : I have been struggling lately to get up and spend time in the Word and to prioritize my time during my day and spend it on things that matter (unlike facebook and taking pictures). But I have failed miserably at it lately and I pinpointed the main reason. I have forgotten that it is not all about me. My time spent in the Word should not be what can I get out of it or even how should I live my day today... now don't misunderstand me here... these are definitely benefits of spending time with the Lord in His Word and prayer, but that can't be my motivation. That is why I have been failing at this so much, I have been doing it for me.

The Lord loves me in spite my self though and on Saturday he woke me up at 7:45 and said get and and spend time with me because you love Me not because you need an encouraging word from me or some advice for the day, but because you love me... it's as if I heard the words out loud. And I laid there for a minute... my flesh fighting with everything in me to convince me to stay in bed, but I got up. I can't tell you the last time I spent time in my Bible because I wanted nothing more than to be near God. I love the Word I do and studying it is one of my passions, but I had forgotten that me spending time in the Word was not what I could get out of it that would help me live better that day so that I could win favor with God, but it was about me being so in love with my Savior that I couldn't wait just to sit at His feet.

I think a lot of us are missing it most of the time... we are human after all... and we have tricked ourselves into thinking that it's all about us... the cross... about us... the Bible... about us... life... about us...God... about us...

ITS NOT... oh how I've tricked myself into thinking it is. I know most of us wouldn't directly say that we think it is about us and for us but everyday when we choose to put things before God we are shouting that statement loud and clear.

Most of the time we even confess sin so that we won't suffer from ill fellowship with God, not because we understand that we have truly driven the nail into His hand.

So God gave me a breath of fresh air on Saturday morning... love woke me up.

When is the last time you spent time with God just because he is God and for no other reason than you just love Him. It's hard to do...I have not figured out how to get there yet, but I am seeking. The God of the universe is shouting our name, lets listen.

Be blessed

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