My macbook pro.
From my room.
In our house.
Mystery... I know.
Who took it... I don't know.
So whoever stole it... have fun... because you don't know my password nor have I activated the Adobe C3 suit yet... so you may have it... but your not going to do much with it. Enjoy the internet... cause thats about all you got.
I am so very glad that it was just a computer though.
Could have been a lot worse.
And stuff is so very temporary...I am most thankful that my joy is not based on things or circumstances...but the One who will never leave, change, or get stolen... if that was even possible... you know what I mean.
Bummer of a day I guess.
Life goes on...PTL

Rach I am sorry.I feel ya my about my bike girl! But If we needed them we still would have them :) God will provide he always does :)
How terrible! I'm so sorry.
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