Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hallelujah... random thoughts

I am going to bed at 9 o'clock.
Praise the Lord.
Maybe my body will be able to fight off the sinus crud after all.

I have a loooong class day tomorrow so expect a post.

And new pics are going up for sale tomorrow too.
Check them out.

I work at a church... how crazy is it that we get paid to do ministry.
God is so good.

I really may be trading in my new SUV sooner than expected if gas doesn't make its climb back down the price ladder soon.

I think I'll get a hybrid

I am the official event photographer at church now. Lame I know, but I am excited!

I get to take the Walls christmas card picture. excited once again.

I don't think I will even take my nose ring out again unless its for good. OUCH!

I really like to write. I plan to do it more often.

I am done with homework for this week. I don't hate school as much anymore either.

I love this weather... makes me want to smile all the time.

I decided that if God doesn't open a job door for me come next summer, I'm going to travel the world. I found a missions trip that does that. Cool I know.

I opened my window, which has no screen and now I have a moth or two, or three, on my wall. Excellent.

Whither would you soar?

Can I say what I mean and mean what I say?

this could go on all night... I need to go to bed.

Bueno Noche!

1 comment:

Ann Marie said...

Rach dear you crack me up you! and your random thoughts!
and i'm glad you dont hate school so much
and what is this around the world missions trip??