Abby- Southern Belle
Ashleigh- From the Land Down Under
Here is how it went down
Abby- "so now when we sell a gap card we have been getting snacks as our reward so but, now ya know, they took Little Debbie's off the shelf because of ecoli. so..."
Ashleigh- Wait wait wait...what?
Abby- you know ecoli...its in Peanut BUtter now
Ashleigh- wait..start over...who is Little Debbie and what is in her cake?
Me- no longer is the water that was in my mouth still in my mouth...sorry about that Galleria cleaning services
Abby- ok let me start over
Ashleigh- I mean I tryin to get past your accent here...I just don't understand
Abby- Ok you know snack cakes
Ashleigh- No
Abby-what... I mean it they are just like...well...Little Debbie is a brand of these snacks
Ashleigh- like a cupcake or something
Abby- sure and other assorted snack...cakes...this is hard to explain
Ashleigh- well its ok i think I got you now...keep it like chocolate birthday cake?
Abby- umm...sorta..but different. ok well now instead of little debbies we have these off brand twinkies, ding dongs
Ashleigh- DING DONG! WHAT!
Me- can no longer see to driv I am laughing so hard
Abby- yeah like a twinkie but different
Ashleigh- oh gosh...I'm think like know... a ding in...well you know
Abby- oh no! Its just what they are called
Ashleigh- Wow you guys call these cakes weird things. I mean if someone were to ask me if I've had a ding dong i would say, "are you crazy?! I'm a girrrl"
absolutely priceless...
after that we went on to explain, Zebra Cakes, Fudge Rounds, and Moon Pies.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Here's How I see it..observations and random facts
aka... what I am looking at right now...
When I am in different places..or just places with a lot of people I like to observe what I see...and since i don't have my journal I decided I would just blog it... in a few month when I am in a different place and no longer in college I will want to remember these random times.
So here they observations and a few random thoughts.
The guy sitting across from me has a huge hat on.. i can't really see his eyes... i guess he can see though because he is typing.
There is a girl asleep on the couch next to me...awkward I won't lie...and she just sent her purse flying off the couch
I have never heard someone slurp coffee so loudly as the guy at the next couch.
My piano teacher ( who I have had for 4 weeks of class now) never knows who I am...everyday he asks me...have I see you before...this is not okay.
I decided I would like to be a tour manager...
I also decided I get really bored with piano really quickly...
I spent the morning learning Cold Play's Postcards from far away on the piano.
There are 6 computers in the room (at least that I can see) and 5 of them are Mac.
I need to buy the new iLife.
Did you hear that Apple was sued for their failure to put enough protective coating on the 1st generation iPod can get $25 back if you have one...and all it's info.
My wardrobe keeps shrinking...its about time to go shopping i believe. New shoes are first on the list.
I want some converse shoes.
Alaska is the largest state in the U.S.
81 Popes have been canonized 7 have been beatified There have been 38 antipopes
There is A novelty pet store in Japan that sells live seahorses equipped with tiny saddles.
When I am in different places..or just places with a lot of people I like to observe what I see...and since i don't have my journal I decided I would just blog it... in a few month when I am in a different place and no longer in college I will want to remember these random times.
So here they observations and a few random thoughts.
The guy sitting across from me has a huge hat on.. i can't really see his eyes... i guess he can see though because he is typing.
There is a girl asleep on the couch next to me...awkward I won't lie...and she just sent her purse flying off the couch
I have never heard someone slurp coffee so loudly as the guy at the next couch.
My piano teacher ( who I have had for 4 weeks of class now) never knows who I am...everyday he asks me...have I see you before...this is not okay.
I decided I would like to be a tour manager...
I also decided I get really bored with piano really quickly...
I spent the morning learning Cold Play's Postcards from far away on the piano.
There are 6 computers in the room (at least that I can see) and 5 of them are Mac.
I need to buy the new iLife.
Did you hear that Apple was sued for their failure to put enough protective coating on the 1st generation iPod can get $25 back if you have one...and all it's info.
My wardrobe keeps shrinking...its about time to go shopping i believe. New shoes are first on the list.
I want some converse shoes.
Alaska is the largest state in the U.S.
81 Popes have been canonized 7 have been beatified There have been 38 antipopes
There is A novelty pet store in Japan that sells live seahorses equipped with tiny saddles.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Raniy Day Mix
It is a rainy here is a rainy day mix.
iTunes. Download. Listen. Chill.
1. Gutters Full of Rain- David Gray
2. Hold Your In My Arms- Ray Lamontagne
3. Postcards From Far Away- Coldplay
4. Show Me the River- EastMountainSouth
5. I'd Rather Be With You- Joshua Radin
6. Falling Slowly- Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová
7. Each Coming Night- Iron and Wine
8. Your Love is Strong- Jon Foreman
9. Your Hand in Mine- Explosions in the Sky
10. Save You- Matthew Perryman Jones
11. Gather Your Children- Ray Lamontagne
12. Thy Mercy My God- Sandra McCraken
13. Med sud í eyrum- Sigur Rós
iTunes. Download. Listen. Chill.
1. Gutters Full of Rain- David Gray
2. Hold Your In My Arms- Ray Lamontagne
3. Postcards From Far Away- Coldplay
4. Show Me the River- EastMountainSouth
5. I'd Rather Be With You- Joshua Radin
6. Falling Slowly- Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová
7. Each Coming Night- Iron and Wine
8. Your Love is Strong- Jon Foreman
9. Your Hand in Mine- Explosions in the Sky
10. Save You- Matthew Perryman Jones
11. Gather Your Children- Ray Lamontagne
12. Thy Mercy My God- Sandra McCraken
13. Med sud í eyrum- Sigur Rós
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I surrender...25 things about me
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1. I don't think I am going to be think of 25 things
2. I am a child of God.
3. I am a photographer.
4. I love to travel...especially randomly and spur of the moment...My sophomore year of college I decided to go to meet a friend who was studying abroad. I left that week.
5. I am allergic to raw apples, cherries, carrots, and pears. I can eat baked ones though.
6. I am an Anthropology and History major...and very ready to graduate in 12 weeks.
7. I don't really like Taylor Swift's music...except for one song...Love Story.
8. I am allergic to horses but I love them...PTL for Benadryl.
9. I have this weird ability to remember numbers and dates...however I am terrible at Math. I can remember most people's birthday though.. it freaks people out sometimes.
10. I love music and all that it entails.
11. I don't really like chocolate all that much...some kinds are ok... I do like brownies chocolate cake however.
12. I was a manager at bath and body works last year.
13.I love to snow ski...and snow in general.
14. I like to watch sports, especially football, basketball and baseball. No soccer please :)
15. I used to play volleyball and softball in high school. and I was a cheerleader. Crazy I know.
16. I would love to work for a missions agency or something non-profit and take photographs all over the world.
17. Top 3 places I want to visit: Israel, Tokyo, Anywhere in Africa
18. I really like to cook and clean. Once again...odd I know.
19. New England is one of my favorite places in the whole world...along with NYC.
20. Texas haunts me...never been there but it is always around me...everywhere...all the time. Prime example..I am driving home from tuscaloosa (35 minute drive) and I see 47 cars with texas tags...that is abnormal. Or sitting at a red light in vestavia and I look over and there is a truck with the word AUSTIN painted in huge blue letters on the side of it. Thats it... just AUSTIN.. no company name or number. I surrender to the texas.
21. I think people are absolutely beautiful and I love them. Photography has helped me see that.
22. I have a nose ring.
23. I am getting a tatoo...just not sure what to get yet.
24. I really like arrangement...whatever :)
25. I cannot think of the last time I was in my house for 24 hours at once. Even when I am sick I am on the go.
Well there it is...complete randomness...tag... you're it.
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1. I don't think I am going to be think of 25 things
2. I am a child of God.
3. I am a photographer.
4. I love to travel...especially randomly and spur of the moment...My sophomore year of college I decided to go to meet a friend who was studying abroad. I left that week.
5. I am allergic to raw apples, cherries, carrots, and pears. I can eat baked ones though.
6. I am an Anthropology and History major...and very ready to graduate in 12 weeks.
7. I don't really like Taylor Swift's music...except for one song...Love Story.
8. I am allergic to horses but I love them...PTL for Benadryl.
9. I have this weird ability to remember numbers and dates...however I am terrible at Math. I can remember most people's birthday though.. it freaks people out sometimes.
10. I love music and all that it entails.
11. I don't really like chocolate all that much...some kinds are ok... I do like brownies chocolate cake however.
12. I was a manager at bath and body works last year.
13.I love to snow ski...and snow in general.
14. I like to watch sports, especially football, basketball and baseball. No soccer please :)
15. I used to play volleyball and softball in high school. and I was a cheerleader. Crazy I know.
16. I would love to work for a missions agency or something non-profit and take photographs all over the world.
17. Top 3 places I want to visit: Israel, Tokyo, Anywhere in Africa
18. I really like to cook and clean. Once again...odd I know.
19. New England is one of my favorite places in the whole world...along with NYC.
20. Texas haunts me...never been there but it is always around me...everywhere...all the time. Prime example..I am driving home from tuscaloosa (35 minute drive) and I see 47 cars with texas tags...that is abnormal. Or sitting at a red light in vestavia and I look over and there is a truck with the word AUSTIN painted in huge blue letters on the side of it. Thats it... just AUSTIN.. no company name or number. I surrender to the texas.
21. I think people are absolutely beautiful and I love them. Photography has helped me see that.
22. I have a nose ring.
23. I am getting a tatoo...just not sure what to get yet.
24. I really like arrangement...whatever :)
25. I cannot think of the last time I was in my house for 24 hours at once. Even when I am sick I am on the go.
Well there it is...complete randomness...tag... you're it.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Two Exciting Tidbits
1. I have created a new page on my website, that is a benefit page for the Lovelady Center. Go to the Lovelady center page on there to find out more about this awesome organization located here in Birmingham and how you can help. I recently did a shoot for them that "tells their story". SO check out the photos at the bottom of the Lovelady page for a "goosebump" moment!
and #2) FREE MUSIC!
Go to for a free single from her new album that will be released soon. Hey it's free music...everybody go get it!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
A little prayer por favor :)
Well I know I have been trying to put off thinking about the future...aka after I graduate...aka... in 3 months...but it is getting to that time when I need to start thinking a little about what to do.
No ideas.
At all.
So if you think about it say a prayer for me. I just honestly want to do what the Lord wants me to do. I know He will tell me. But I am needing to make summer plans in the next month or two.
Wisdom and advice much appreciated :)
No ideas.
At all.
So if you think about it say a prayer for me. I just honestly want to do what the Lord wants me to do. I know He will tell me. But I am needing to make summer plans in the next month or two.
Wisdom and advice much appreciated :)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Ok I just can't help it...OhhhBama
"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior"
-I Timothy 2:1-3
So the political talk is pretty much reaching it's max on my patience threshold considering the inauguration yesterday, but I just couldn't resist writing a little something about it.
No I did not vote for Obama, but as I watched the inauguration festivities I could not help but have a strange sense of peace as I watched our new elected president take the oath and officially become our country's president. Most of you officially think I have lost my mind but I can quickly confirm that I have not.
I am a child of God. The One and Only God. Maker of all I see. Sustainer of all I see. Savior of my pitiful life. He chose Barak Obama as our president. God has not removed His hand from our country...and least to my knowledge...Barak Obama is not the anti-Christ.
God is not surprised by our choice here. We (America) made it and we will have to face the consequences..
point being...
I did not chose Barak Obama as my president. God did. He placed Him in office. Therefore I will respect my new new president.
As much as I do not agree with so much that he stands for...I will make an honest effort not slander respect his decisions...and to pray for Him, both as my leader and as a person.
So here's to God. Who knows what He is doing...and has a plan and the ability to turn all things in to good.
"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
-Romans 8:28
-I Timothy 2:1-3
So the political talk is pretty much reaching it's max on my patience threshold considering the inauguration yesterday, but I just couldn't resist writing a little something about it.
No I did not vote for Obama, but as I watched the inauguration festivities I could not help but have a strange sense of peace as I watched our new elected president take the oath and officially become our country's president. Most of you officially think I have lost my mind but I can quickly confirm that I have not.
I am a child of God. The One and Only God. Maker of all I see. Sustainer of all I see. Savior of my pitiful life. He chose Barak Obama as our president. God has not removed His hand from our country...and least to my knowledge...Barak Obama is not the anti-Christ.
God is not surprised by our choice here. We (America) made it and we will have to face the consequences..
point being...
I did not chose Barak Obama as my president. God did. He placed Him in office. Therefore I will respect my new new president.
As much as I do not agree with so much that he stands for...I will make an honest effort not slander respect his decisions...and to pray for Him, both as my leader and as a person.
So here's to God. Who knows what He is doing...and has a plan and the ability to turn all things in to good.
"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
-Romans 8:28

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Hookers and Robbers
Some friends and I went to see Charlie Hall in Tuscaloosa last night... it was a small small venue so we were on about the 2nd row which was great. It was an awesome night of worship. I think my favorite song from the night was Hookers and Robbers. Praise the Lord he cares of the least the world has and Praise the Lord he does not boycott the ones who are less than ideal and a little tough to love.
He came down from perfection, got His hands dirty and saved the world...the hookers, robber, crack kids, track kids and even me.
Seasons are tough. Be He is strong.
He came down from perfection, got His hands dirty and saved the world...the hookers, robber, crack kids, track kids and even me.
Seasons are tough. Be He is strong.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Officially Impressed
Ok so I am not a "pop" music follower in general...however I saw this on Rebekah Y.'s blog and since I am an artist... I was completely fascinated...the editing and productions may be the coolest thing I have seen in a long time.
Check it out:
*Disclaimer* I don't know half of these songs so if their content is questionable..I am sorry.
Check it out:
*Disclaimer* I don't know half of these songs so if their content is questionable..I am sorry.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Can I just say i strongly dislike pink...I can't help it... and i accidently changed my background to this lovely pink one...and now...I can't change it... the site that I get my backgrounds from is down and all they have are these valentines ones...and other sites change all your info on your page and for's pink.
Should be fun.
On a different note...went to the Cody visitation tonight. What an amazing testimony of God's grace. I look at that family and wonder how they are holding up so can you stand up there next to the casket holding the man you fell in love with when you were ten years old. Only by the grace of a truly amazing God. He knows what we need and He quickly supplies grace when life becomes less than ideal. I can definitely testify to that. Praise God that when we are His children, our joy is no longer based on our circumstances.
Praying for that family. What an awesome God we serve... a God of such amazing grace and comfort.
Should be fun.
On a different note...went to the Cody visitation tonight. What an amazing testimony of God's grace. I look at that family and wonder how they are holding up so can you stand up there next to the casket holding the man you fell in love with when you were ten years old. Only by the grace of a truly amazing God. He knows what we need and He quickly supplies grace when life becomes less than ideal. I can definitely testify to that. Praise God that when we are His children, our joy is no longer based on our circumstances.
Praying for that family. What an awesome God we serve... a God of such amazing grace and comfort.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
close call
Alabamians DO NOT know how to drive downtown. I am talking to Lynn Sleeper on the phone today while waiting to cross the street. The light turns red and the walk man comes up and teh bright yellow box resting on the pole in front of me signaling I am good to cross the street... I even pause for a while before crossing then proceed to step out onto the street when someone grabs my arm... completely alarmed I turn to see why someone has grabbed me when zoom....a 15 passenger white chevy van comes flying by me at about 40 mph. He missed me by an inch. Praise the Lord for aware fellow pedestrians... I would have definitely been run over.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Oh geez
My Western Civ professor:
1. Studies Alabama Coal Miners for a living
2. Is fascinated with prostitution and her grandmothers ran whore houses in Birmingham back in the 30's.
3. She teaches a Sunday school class at her baptist church in town.
Jesus take the wheel
1. Studies Alabama Coal Miners for a living
2. Is fascinated with prostitution and her grandmothers ran whore houses in Birmingham back in the 30's.
3. She teaches a Sunday school class at her baptist church in town.
Jesus take the wheel
Such an anticipated year
2009. A year that has been this milestone coming for so long. The year I graduate. The year the "real life" happens. Whatever that means. Now that it is here I have more mixed emotions than I thought I would. I would say over 50% is excitement...I am so ready to be done... I am just a little bummed that after four years I will have a pointless degree. Oh well God can use it if he wants. The remaining half of my emotions is divided between anxiety, sadness and regret.
Anxiety about what comes next. Atlanta? Boston? Birmingham?
Sadness about not being in school anymore. I really do like learning. And I am going to miss the environment of college a lot. I'm going to miss the flexible schedule and the variety it brings.
Regret. I have had such an awesome missions field the past 4 years and I have not taken advantage of it at all. Mostly I have just gone to class and and left without talking to anybody...with the occasional exception of course in a small class, but I can probably set my number of spiritual conversations at about 25. maybe 35. in 4 years.... 4 YEARS! I will never have this opportunity again and I feel like I wasted a ton of it.
But praise the Lord He does not keep tallies of our short comings.
So far 2009 has been good. Our college group at SMI went to the Mtns. of North Carolina the 1st- the 4th. We got to ski and just chill. A good start to the year for sure. Classes started yesterday. I am taking 24 hours of class...crazy I know. But so far so good.
It is time for western civ now. I know.. a senior taking western civ. Bummer.
two random thoughts:
The older I get...the more I like chocolate and the less my hair straightens.
Peace yo.
Anxiety about what comes next. Atlanta? Boston? Birmingham?
Sadness about not being in school anymore. I really do like learning. And I am going to miss the environment of college a lot. I'm going to miss the flexible schedule and the variety it brings.
Regret. I have had such an awesome missions field the past 4 years and I have not taken advantage of it at all. Mostly I have just gone to class and and left without talking to anybody...with the occasional exception of course in a small class, but I can probably set my number of spiritual conversations at about 25. maybe 35. in 4 years.... 4 YEARS! I will never have this opportunity again and I feel like I wasted a ton of it.
But praise the Lord He does not keep tallies of our short comings.
So far 2009 has been good. Our college group at SMI went to the Mtns. of North Carolina the 1st- the 4th. We got to ski and just chill. A good start to the year for sure. Classes started yesterday. I am taking 24 hours of class...crazy I know. But so far so good.
It is time for western civ now. I know.. a senior taking western civ. Bummer.
two random thoughts:
The older I get...the more I like chocolate and the less my hair straightens.
Peace yo.
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