Friday, January 30, 2009

Conversations with an Australian..aka...who is Little Debbie and what is in her cake?

Abby- Southern Belle
Ashleigh- From the Land Down Under

Here is how it went down

Abby- "so now when we sell a gap card we have been getting snacks as our reward so but, now ya know, they took Little Debbie's off the shelf because of ecoli. so..."
Ashleigh- Wait wait wait...what?
Abby- you know ecoli...its in Peanut BUtter now
Ashleigh- wait..start over...who is Little Debbie and what is in her cake?
Me- no longer is the water that was in my mouth still in my mouth...sorry about that Galleria cleaning services
Abby- ok let me start over
Ashleigh- I mean I tryin to get past your accent here...I just don't understand
Abby- Ok you know snack cakes
Ashleigh- No
Abby-what... I mean it they are just like...well...Little Debbie is a brand of these snacks
Ashleigh- like a cupcake or something
Abby- sure and other assorted snack...cakes...this is hard to explain
Ashleigh- well its ok i think I got you now...keep it like chocolate birthday cake?
Abby- umm...sorta..but different. ok well now instead of little debbies we have these off brand twinkies, ding dongs
Ashleigh- DING DONG! WHAT!
Me- can no longer see to driv I am laughing so hard
Abby- yeah like a twinkie but different
Ashleigh- oh gosh...I'm think like know... a ding in...well you know
Abby- oh no! Its just what they are called
Ashleigh- Wow you guys call these cakes weird things. I mean if someone were to ask me if I've had a ding dong i would say, "are you crazy?! I'm a girrrl"

absolutely priceless...

after that we went on to explain, Zebra Cakes, Fudge Rounds, and Moon Pies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! It just goes to prove that slang doesn't translate. :)