Thursday, January 29, 2009

Here's How I see it..observations and random facts

aka... what I am looking at right now...

When I am in different places..or just places with a lot of people I like to observe what I see...and since i don't have my journal I decided I would just blog it... in a few month when I am in a different place and no longer in college I will want to remember these random times.

So here they observations and a few random thoughts.

The guy sitting across from me has a huge hat on.. i can't really see his eyes... i guess he can see though because he is typing.

There is a girl asleep on the couch next to me...awkward I won't lie...and she just sent her purse flying off the couch

I have never heard someone slurp coffee so loudly as the guy at the next couch.

My piano teacher ( who I have had for 4 weeks of class now) never knows who I am...everyday he asks me...have I see you before...this is not okay.

I decided I would like to be a tour manager...

I also decided I get really bored with piano really quickly...

I spent the morning learning Cold Play's Postcards from far away on the piano.

There are 6 computers in the room (at least that I can see) and 5 of them are Mac.

I need to buy the new iLife.

Did you hear that Apple was sued for their failure to put enough protective coating on the 1st generation iPod can get $25 back if you have one...and all it's info.

My wardrobe keeps shrinking...its about time to go shopping i believe. New shoes are first on the list.

I want some converse shoes.

Alaska is the largest state in the U.S.

81 Popes have been canonized 7 have been beatified There have been 38 antipopes

There is A novelty pet store in Japan that sells live seahorses equipped with tiny saddles.

1 comment:

Peyton said...

interesting about the pet store. i think i might take a trip to see it. will you be my tour manager? ok great.

i have a nano. i could also use 25 dollars.