Monday, January 14, 2008

outward crosses and the dishonor of God

Amanda Cannon and I are reading this book together called the Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by  Jeremiah Burroughs. It has been very challenging for me and very convicting as well of just how bad I am at being content. There are so many things that I want to work on this year and that is one of them. Contentment. I am so glad that God does not keep a record of rights and wrongs or I'm pretty sure that I would be at the bottom of the list when it comes to gold stars. Anyways there was an awesome point that Burroughs made in the first chapter of his book and I found it to be quite blunt and potent. He was addressing the issue of being content even when we are called to bear outward crosses. He then throws in a little side note here about unbelievers. He says, "To an unsaved person outward crosses and the dishonoring of God bring about the same emotion, whether they are crossed or God is crossed they are equally content." 
Bam! That is so true though. We as believers should feel a definite emotional difference when God is dishonored than when we are met with a trial or as Burroughs put it "crossed". I just found that to be a moving point.

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