Thursday, January 10, 2008


So this semester at UAB will prove to be incredibly interesting for me. I am taking 6 classes, intro international relations, Nationalism and world politics, 2-400 level European History classes, psycho-pathology and culture, and Spanish 201. Really... i know... I've lost my mind. Most of my professors are absolutely nuts too. My Italian Renaissance teacher locked me out of the room the first day of class because I was a minute late. He then proceeded to call role, tell some girl that she misspelled her name and that one guy needed to pick a new name because his original name was too boring. oh goodness. My Modern Europe teacher feels the need to clear his throat after every 3 to 7 words depending on the sentence structure. I have the same teacher for both Political Science classes. He refers to himself as the Messiah....yes the Messiah. And my psycho-pathology teacher is a very large Italian man who feels that the size of certain male body parts is the best possible topic of conversation. Then there is my Spanish teacher, a 24 year old italian boy (glad that my semester is not lacking in the Italian category). He is my favorite though, except that he digs himself into a hole every class when he feels the need to explain inappropriate spanish terms to us. So nevertheless it should prove to be an interesting semester. There is no shortage of garbage being thrown at me. Philosophical garbage that is. From students arguing about how religion, if it exist at all, does not influence your every day life, to a professor calling himself the Messiah, I am so glad that I have the lens of Christianity to filter it all through. Psalm 19: 7 keeps reeling in my head as the classes go on. It reads, " The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple." I am so thankful that I have the Word of God to compare and refute all of the trash that professors try to convince me is truth. For nothing else in this earth will hold fast as truth into eternity except the Word of God. I am excited about the semester. Excited to see how God will use me to promote his truth, but most excited to see how He will draw me closer to him through the trails I am promised to face. I am thankful for a lot this year, but I am most thankful for my Salvation, for it is the only thing that will never fail me. So here's to Spring Semester 08. It should prove to be great.. (That rhyme was just for you abby;) )

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