Tuesday, January 22, 2008

quiet or lazy... what am I?

Let me start off again by saying that I am in bed before 10pm for the second night in a row... Ohhhh yeah.
But to the point I was reading my dear friend Ree's blog and she addressed somehting that has been on my heart lately so I thought I would repost to see if anyone would give us some feedback. Here it is:

So me and Rach are taking this class together, Psycopathology and Culture. Thought it would be good, but it turns out our teacher, interesting as he is, chases every rabbit trail that is laid before him! I took a few lines of notes, and he covered ONE POINT of his outline...but I digress. Our discussion on psycology, if you could call it that, ended up being a discourse on materialism in the US. It started as a discussion on racism and then moved to entitlement, so that naturally lead to people, particularly this (our) generation having a sense of entitlement and wanting all that the World has to offer. But the general concensus of the class (well, of those that were paying atttention) was that, no matter what your parents gave you, what car you drove, what sports you played, etc, etc, NOTHING satisfies. A few ideas were thrown around, such as parental acceptance and love and notions of "religion".....but no one came forward with What Truely Satisfies.
Which leads me to another thing...I must confess I have been far too shy with proclaiming what I know to be True. I know the Truth, yet why have I not said something? I am not a shy person. I think mostly why I do not say anything in class is that I do not want to come across as the typical, judgmental Christian that no one takes seriously. I believe whole-heartedly that our actions and the way we lead our lives can make an enormous impact on others for Christ's Sake, but I feel proddeed now to make more of a vocal stand for His Name's Sake.
So the question I pose is this: What do you feel/believe is the BEST way to make an impact for God on campus/work/where ever? Please post your thoughts...this is something I'm searching out too!


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