Saturday, December 13, 2008

Life as it Used to be

So I am here in Tuscaloosa. Heather and I came down for UA's graduation. I just dropped her off, went to Target and am now at the new Starbucks...well new to me anyways. They didn't have any of this stuff when I was here. NOw they have a whole new shopping center with Panera, Barnes and Nobles, Old Navy and tons of other stores and restaurants. I used to come home to Birmingham to go and sit at the Barnes and Noble or Starbucks to study bc there weren't any good places in Tusc. to do that. I think they got this the summer after I moved. Go figure. But being back here to actually hang out has brought back such weird emotions. The other day I was think about how different life would have been if I had stayed and finished school here. I would probably be living in a house on 13th street and back in Birmingham for Christmas break. It was weird to drive around campus and see all the buildings I used to have class in. and then drive to the target I went to so much. Its been two years since I've lived here but I could so vividly remember my old routines and the good ole' days at University of Alabama. It was a pool of mixed emotions. Many of which were thankful that God led me back to Birmingham, because I do love the city and don't miss the actual city of Tuscaloosa at all. But then some were sadness and just reality i guess that I am getting older, memories of college are quickly fading and real life is about to hit ( in 4 months to be exact). All that to say my heart is a big ball of paiurgtbiuagtyrugtv right now. YOu know what I mean. I am very excited for this next step in life and I know I am right where God wants me to be... for right now at least. We will see come May where the road will go, but for right now God is keeping the future path hidden from me...which is really good yet really hard.

Random thought but I was just thinking how interesting it is that Christmas is everyones favorite... whether you believe in the King or not... Christmas is just a season that everyone loves to celebrate. Whether people know it or not they are celebrating the birth of a Savior. Cool part day everyone will bow to the Lord, it just won't be so happy at that moment for those who have ignored Him all this time.

Fear Not ---- There IS a SAVIOR!


Peyton said...

good post. i hate yet love those feelings of mixed emotions. the hidden path...i can relate.

Rachel said...

Oddly enough, I was at UAB's graduation today, reminiscing of my days at UAB, and looking wistfully at that new to me student recreation center that opened the year after I graduated. . . .deja vu.