So I have to admit I am a pretty regular
Starbucks visitor. I have calmed down a bit though considering I am about to drop about 4 grand on a new camera, but I do have a new favorite drink. Now I must say I will always love my usual grande no water Chai latte but for those days when I want a little coffee I now resort to my two new favorites:
1. Triple Grande non-fat no whip cinnamon hazlenut latte
1. Triple Grande non-fat two pump caramel two pump toffeenut latte
Best part?
BOTH under 200 calories... hallelujah.

I took this at one of my favorite bux... 5 pts. downtown Birmingham. Always an adventure.
oh rachel, i love starbucks, and just last week me and my friend needed a break from being in the dorms, so we drove all the way to dothan. which is a long drive just for starbucks. but it was WAY worth the trip. the girl is just like me, which i praise the lord for:) there arent much of those. miss ya!!
Oh how fun... i would have so driven that far too!
I LOVE STARBUCKS TOO! I really have to control myself though because I could spend a lot of money on it. And I'm sure your little 200 calorie drink is a whole lot healthier than the White Chocolate Mocha that I get every time:)
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