Friday, October 31, 2008

Hurry up November 4th!

So I'm usually not one for politics, but this election I have been keeping up with it pretty well. But I must say I am for sure tired of hearing elecetion schmolitics and all its bells and whistles. I'm ready for Tuesday to come and go. We will have a new president. God will still be God and life will go on. here is a good little tidbit if you will from one of my favorite people, John Piper...

"Let Christians keep on buying while this age lasts. Christianity is not withdrawal from business. We are involved, but as though not involved. Business simply does not have the weight in our hearts that it has for many. All our getting and all our having in this world is getting and having things that are not ultimately important. Our car, our house, our books, our computers, our heirlooms—we possess them with a loose grip. If they are taken away, we say that in a sense we did not have them. We are not here to possess. We are here to lay up treasures in heaven.

This world matters. But it is not ultimate. It is the stage for living in such a way to show that this world is not our God, but that Christ is our God. It is the stage for using the world to show that Christ is more precious than the world.

So it is with voting. We do not withdraw. We are involved—but as if not involved. Politics does not have ultimate weight for us. It is one more stage for acting out the truth that Christ, and not politics, is supreme. "


Jaci Spain said...

I'm with you! SO ready for it all to be over with...And definitely praying the Democrats don't win too:)

Peyton said...

i dont really have a was a good post, but what i really wanted to tell you is im sitting w you in barnes and noble and it is quite fun. i like you.