Monday, October 20, 2008

out of office

So I have decided to impose upon myself a facebook hiatus. Sometimes you just need one. I am not what I would call an obsessed in getting lost in the FB world for hours, however I find myself having frequent 5 minutes visits...too frequent. So for a while I will now devote this time to something a little more meaningful, The Great Divorce perhaps? we will see. I just want to be careful not to fall in the cultural norm of spending hours of my days on the internet, watching t.v. or anythign of the sort. I just see as exercising my brain, if you will.

Anyhow if you have or plan to FB me...I will not least for a week or so....I am not ignoring you... I will be back eventually.

1 comment:

Amanda Leigh said...

Ha thats soo funny I have decided to do the exact same thing! Oh us! Great minds think alike...or..something like that. MUAH!