There it is... the most hated word of many women today. "We are not inferior, we are equal!" they preach. Cool I agree. And so does God. But He also gives us, as women of the Lord, a command that many christian women I know choose to ignore.
We wrapped up our two week hiatus from studying John last week by talking about marriage (pt. 2). Our text was 1 Peter of my favorite passages.
Now mind you I do realize that I am not married, so I do not even claim to know about this subject, but just a thought from the perspective of someone who does hope to be married someday and is tuning my heart based on the commands of God in regards to my role in this future endeavor.
Women are called to submit to their husbands. Period. Just as the husbands submit to God (less their prayers be hindered). This doesn't mean that you become a slave or somehow become unequal. It also doesn't mean you submit when you feel like it or when you feel like you and your hubby agree. I can't even pretend to know what it will be like to totally disagree with my husband and "know" I am right! what a challenge. But nevertheless, God in His infinite wisdom, says even then, submit. Man life is hard sometimes. But how much this must please God. And it makes me sad that I can recall recent conversations with women in the church who say they do not "practice the 'S' word" in their home. Praise Him for His sweet grace.
Peter also tells us (women) to not look for our adornment MERELY from outward things. ( I love the word merely here bc Peter isn't telling us not to care what we look like, God wired us to want to be beautiful for a reason! PTL). But the problem occurs when we begin to look for identity based on outward appearances and things verses the beauty of a gentle (power under control) and quiet spirit. I am convicted often abotu how much time I spend on the outter verses the inner.... for example I often allow more time to "get ready" in the am than I do to sit at the feet of the Lord and talk to Him. Not okay. I should never allow myself to spend more time on my outward appearance than I do working on my soul. just can't. How can I expect to face a fallen world if I don't come face to face with God first. hmm.
Anyways this has been on my heart so I wrote about it. Like I said I am not pretending to know about the marriage/submission part. Just some thought.
Be encouraged.
His grace is enough.
Such an important thing....I desire to grow in it every day. Thanks for sharing! More women need to value this! Like I said you will be a great wife someday!
Great post!! Very sound and biblical - and you're right - just because our culture tends to look down on submission doesn't mean we're not still commanded to it! And just like all of God's commands, it's not just for us to "obey God" - it is practical advice that makes our lives better when we follow it!
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