Well I did it. I drank sweet tea at 9 o'clock tonight. I could not help it. It was so good. But now I am suffering from a very tired body and a very awake brain. Tonight was Adoration. It went well I thought. Often times I get worried that we try to hard to put on a good "production" as opposed to leading people in worship.... not just talking about SMI or Adoration but in general. As part of being in a worship leader role there is added responsibility to help lead people to the cross... and often times is can become very easy to think you actually have done something worth noting... ya know? But anyways all that to say that tonight I really felt the presence of God in the room.
Jarrod talked a little more tonight about his previous topic, the glory of God.
You grow up hearing countless sermons on God's glory, but often times I feel like we still maintain such a shallow view of who God is. All in all I think if we really took the time to seek a higher view of God a lot would change in our daily lives... at least I know the times when God convicts me the most about me is when I am running the hardest towards Him.
But I won't go on to long about such things... seeing as how I could probably types for hours and never do the topic justice... and I have to be at church at 830.
Oh and cool news... one of my photos is being published in an Anthology of Best Photography of 2008. Pretty cool eh? This is the photo:

This is probably my favorite I've ever taken. Without being cliche I have to say it was such a cool moment of worship too. I mean it paints such a picture. The white, American woman, who never worries about if she will have enough to eat hands the poor, naked, Hispanic child, who probably never goes a day without worrying about if he will eat today, a piece of food. God is such a good giver. This photos title is "The Gift"
It reminds me of just how much God has taken care of me.
AMEN sister!! From the perspective of an audience member, I thought Adoration was incredible last night. It's always very good, but last night they took it up a couple of notches. And I'm not talking about how it went, I'm talking about the worship. The worship went to a deeper level than we've been before, in my opinion. It was amazing!!
And congrats for getting published!
girl, i love how you drank sweet tea at 9:30. its those things that make me so happy. i wish i couldve been right there with you.
and im also SO excited for your picture!!!!!! praise the LORD. ptl.
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